Obtaining zoning approval for your site development project can be a relatively simple process or it may require going through a complex zoning hearing. Either way, Coal Creek will work by your side to ensure the zoning approval process goes as smoothly as possible. Nonetheless, if there are issues involved with obtaining zoning approval, it is helpful for you to have a basic understanding of what the approval process may involve.

Beginning the Zoning Approval Process

While the exact zoning approval process will vary somewhat from one jurisdiction to the next, and will also be impacted by special circumstances related to the specific property, there are some general steps in the process that are typically necessary.

For example, taking a survey of the property is an important first step. A survey will help to establish accurate dimensions of the property while also drawing to scale any existing structures and their relationship to the property line.

Finalizing the Zoning Approval Process

Our team of experts will thoroughly research all of the zoning regulations that affect your specific property. These regulations may place restrictions on where your structures can be placed as well as the size, height and width of the structures. If your plans do not fit within the established guidelines, we will need to apply for a variance in order to gain approval for your project.

Our architects, engineers, legal experts and consultants will work together to put together the proper argument and paperwork to help make this possible. This process will include creating a conceptual design that helps to show the “big picture” of your project. This plan will also include the dimensions for your project as well as the materials and any other information needed to accurately describe the proposed project.

Once all of this groundwork is completed, we can then submit the zoning application. It may take a few weeks or even a few months before we get to the actual zoning board hearing, if this step is necessary, Coal Creek will be there through the entire process to help ensure the best possible outcome!